Media Training – Why you need it

Being seen and heard in the media on a regular basis is a non-negotiable for getting more media coverage and exposure for your business.

An interesting, unique and engaging story that’s relatable for viewers and listeners is what journalists are constantly on the lookout for.

An interesting, unique and engaging story that’s relatable for viewers and listeners is what journalists are constantly on the lookout for. If you are a readily available spokesperson for media, you are in an advantageous position for getting your audience to sit up and take notice of what you have to say.

Being able to deliver a succinct and impactful message is one of the key ways media training can help you. Effective, engaging spokespeople are sought out by media time and again for insightful, expert commentary on their field.

If you’re on the fence regarding media training, read on to discover our top five reasons to embark on becoming a better spokesperson for your business:

1. Media training teaches you to speak in a way that makes people listen

The idea of being interviewed live on television or radio can be daunting to say the least. One of the key benefits of media training is instilling a sense of confidence in speaking to media. When you hone your interview skills you will soon recognise that being featured in the media is one of your most effective forms of PR for your business.

The way you deliver your message is affected by your body language, your words and your tone of voice. Media training teaches you how to use these physical attributes to deliver your message in an impactful way. Television interviews are not just about the words you deliver – your audience are also picking up on your facial expressions and your body language.

2. Media training allows you to outline your key messages in a succinct and direct manner

A good way to approach your key messages is to limit them to five or less. Any more and you risk losing the impact of what you are saying. When you are clear on your key messages, it allows you to refer to them during your interview to get your main points across.

It is essential to have your key messages defined before you are interviewed by the media. Key messages should ideally be unique, short, audience-friendly, focused on the benefits of your service or product, and use a tone of voice or language that your audience identifies with.

3. Media training gives you the tools to respond to difficult questions

Having prepared answers for any unexpected curveballs in an interview is the perfect way to garner more confidence before you embark on an interview with the media. At times journalists will put you on the spot or ask you questions that are difficult to answer – media training can prepare you for these potentially challenging situations.

4. Media training puts you in the driver’s seat

With media training comes confidence – with confidence comes the ability to maintain your composure throughout and interview and ultimately create the outcome you desire. Feeling confident about your responses allows you to navigate the interview in the direction that you want – a subtle yet essential skill that media training prepares you for.

5. Media training lessens the likelihood of being misquoted or misunderstood

Being unprepared for media interview is a sure way to increase the likelihood of being misrepresented or misquoted. By entering an interview with clarity around your key messages, you’ll avoid the possibility of being misquoted and come armed with the skills of concise, clear and effective communication.